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Divatel Consultations



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Voice over IP solutions has assisted many businesses to enhance their business communications and at the same time.

Voice over IP services possesses wonderful advantages over legacy telephony which includes cost savings, feature betterment, and even flexibility. The union of voice and data make executing VoIP solutions and phone systems an important consideration for any size trade; meanwhile, the number of choices can be scary. An excellent VoIP implementation not just pleases the telephony requirements, but it also considers into account the nearby network infrastructure and works adequately in your specific setting.


Using DIVATEL as your VoIP Consultant can assist you to steer through the choices and chances that Voice over IP services. We can support you through any stage of your Voice over IP plan, using industry best practices and giving professional advice throughout. Voice over IP solutions has assisted many businesses to enhance their business communications and at the same time offered cost savings, advanced features, and flexibility. If your business is spread across various geographical locations and involves various stakeholders for a decision making, then you need to seriously consider VoIP.


And however, you had considered it; the mass of brands and linked services in the market is just going to make your decision postponed and leaves you with zero. For selecting the finest VoIP for your business requirements recognition of the precise and accurate telephony needs that take along the trustworthy surrounding network communications. The best-selected choice or even brand has to ideally fit in your fixed environment and at the same time be flexible.


Our friendly consultation service supports you to implement and perform the Voice over IP project and recommendation, train you on the best business practices. The very initial step by our side is to appreciate and examine your business communication goals. And then just come up with the sort and scale of the phone system your business requirements.

We advise customer’s services that are precise and applicable to their way of doing business. If you desire an assistant to make a selection that goes long term with your communication requirements and is reliable, lucrative, flexible and scalable Unified Communication approach, then valve our consultation services.

Installation and Migration.

If you have previously decided on a phone system seller, but are uncertain of the best way to execute the solution or migrate from your present services, can guide you through that procedure. We will spend the time to appreciate how you use your present phone system, find out where business improvements can be prepared when switching to the new phone scheme and design the installation or even migration project by creating and achieving main milestones that fit your timeline.

If you are looking for the additional information, you can talk to the expert for consultation. Contact us now at office 021-30022778 or Mobile/Whatsapp 0852 8940 4589 !

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Divatel Consultations

Divatel Consultations

Voice over IP solutions has assisted many businesses to enhance their business communications and at the same time.

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