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Daftar produk berdasarkan merk Patton

Patton is all about connections. It is our joy and mission to connect real-world customer challenges with high-quality, right-priced solutions—complemented by unrivaled customer service and technical support. Incorporated in 1984, Patton has built everything from micro-sized widgets that connect "this-with-that," to carrier-grade Telecom gear that connects subscribers to service providers. Patton's specialty is interconnecting legacy TDM and serial systems with new-generation IP-based voice, data, and multimedia technologies. 

Patton is all about connections. It is our joy and mission to connect real-world customer challenges with high-quality, right-priced solutions—complemented by unrivaled customer service and technical support. Incorporated in 1984, Patton has built everything from micro-sized widgets that connect "this-with-that," to carrier-grade Telecom gear that connects subscribers to service providers. Patton's specialty is interconnecting legacy TDM and serial systems with new-generation IP-based voice, data, and multimedia technologies. 
Headquartered in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, Patton equipment—including VoIPEthernet extension, and high availability router technologies—is up-and-running in carrier, enterprise and industrial networks worldwide. Patton works in connection with a growing network of technology, business, and sales-channel partners. To connect with local-market requirements, Patton operates training and support centers in Switzerland, Hungary, Lebanon, India, Vietnam, and the USA.     |     Patton... Let's Connect!

Patton's corporate capabilities include custom manufacturing, private labeling, product customization, microphonics testing and eradication, software development, hardware development (including COTS and open source platforms), database solutions, IMS migration support, embedded Linux, real-time embedded systems, “big data” solutions. For more information, download the Patton Capabilities Statement (PDF).

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