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Why Unified Communications Solutions: Top 6 Reasons

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You have probably heard unified communications a lot and see some successful adoptions, but are still evaluating whether you need a UC solution. Simply put, unified communications is all about making a wealth of communications channels and options into a single point of access. However, the reasons for choosing a UC solution goes far beyond a simple one like convenience. In this post, we have covered the technical, financial and operational advantages of a UC solution that you might find helpful.

Your employees are mobile.

Today’s business and employees are agile and show a growing preference for mobility as a mode for working, especially with the increasing number of millennial workers. That’s when unified communications comes into play for that it takes both efficiency improvement and cost savings into account. With the UC solution, mobile devices make a cost-effective and easy-to-use alternative to hardwired desk phones, bringing availability, accessibility, improved user experience and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) into your business communications.

You need to support efficient remote working.

With a UC solution, the office is anywhere you need it to be. Employees are no longer chained to their office desk and be able to work effectively from any Internet-accessible place across smartphones and desktops. They also have instant access to phone system settings and communicate with a single identity number. Your remote workers can thus enjoy consistent communications experience as in-office employees and easily work on-the-go.

You find value in enhanced collaboration.

The demand for better collaboration across offices and departments can also be addressed with a UC solution. In essence, UC is to make it easier for employees to “talk” to one another. More than just telephony, instant messaging, file sharing, CRM integration, and more features offers more alternatives for employees in different scenarios. For instance, when on a call, one is still able to exchange information through instant massaging and share files quickly without 3rd party application.

You want to improve call handling experience.

When you are on a phone call through the desktop softphone and have to leave for a while, there is no need to hang up the phone. Just forward the call to your UC mobile client and keep on your conversation. Besides, missed calls, call logs, voicemails, and recordings are synchronized across devices seamlessly and can all be checked in one place. More UC features like these deliver streamlined user experience required within the modern workforce.

You find it necessary to streamline contact management.

Forget about having to wait on hold when you are trying to reach a colleague. Unified communications offers a single, easily accessible phone book for all of your business contacts. With the presence feature, employees are able to see the availability of colleagues in real time. This allows your business to run smoothly and your employees cut down on wasted time by eliminating failed attempts to reach colleagues.

You attach great importance to cost savings.


Unified communications consolidates a slew of paid tools into a single, all-inclusive communication platform, reducing the additional capital investment on different 3rd party applications. In addition, the improved productivity and time savings resulted from the UC solution also has a direct influence on your bottom line.

There you have it. Simply put, unified communications is the future of business communications. Consider a UC solution for yourself, your employees, and more importantly your bottom line.


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