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With the application of the advanced IP Audio ™ technology, SPON IP network intercom system, a hands-free intercom system to transmit the pure digital data, send the audio signal data package via LAN and WAN, solve the traditional limitation on the transmission distance and the problem of being vulnerable to interference. With its simple structure, the system will convert to be a powerful transmission of digital system once the IP terminals connected to the Ethernet. No need separate wiring for each access point. SPON IP network intercom system is actually an epitome of computer network, digital video monitoring and intercom system.

The Internet bandwidth is increasing rapidly with the times development, the video call requirements are increasing gradually by people, SPON provides a new series of video intercom terminals to achieve the effect of face to face communication, they are also compatible with standard SIP protocol, and it can be connected to VOIP telephone system which opened a new chapter.

SPON IP network intercom system has been used across fields, such as the industries (iron and steel, electricity and petrochemical industry), the transportation, the prison, and the financial industry, especially suitable for the working places which require a high standard of function and reliability on the communication. In order to meet variously customized demands, SPON has engaging in developing versatile systems with diversified functions in different working environment such as the ordinary indoor and outdoor circumstances, the formidable industrial environment, and some other special kinds.


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