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Telp.: 021-30022778 (Hunting)
          0852 8940 4589 (Mobile/WA)
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DIVATEL Value Prepositions



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Value proposition offered at DIVATEL is offer to products and services to the client through the team including top manufactures and technology providers. The widespread domain familiarity in telecommunications makes our teamwork perfectly with the firms and organizations. Rest of them makes sure for the finest quality services to our clients. DIVATEL primarily focuses on small innovator firms to support them in unifying their business messages is of high quality, at affordable costs, with faster rotate time, and condition of flexible services. The satisfaction is at the core of our aim i.e. to be part of our client’s complete development and achievement.

Value proposition offered at DIVATEL is offer to products and services to the client through the team. The widespread domain familiarity in telecommunications makes our teamwork perfectly with the firms and organizations. Rest of them makes sure for the finest quality services to our clients. DIVATEL primarily focuses on small innovator firms to support them in unifying their business messages is of high quality, at affordable costs, with faster rotate time, and condition of flexible services. The satisfaction is at the core of our aim i.e. to be part of our client’s complete development and achievement.

Quality Solutions
Different from offering innovative, productive, lucrative and flexible software solutions, no doubt quality is one of an essential perspective. Our high-end expert’s focuses on the top manufactures and tehnology providers continually are engaged in developing newer and more useful solutions in 3G, VoIP applications.


Fast & Affordable Services
Cutting-edge services that are cost-beneficial are the quality of our solutions providing. It is just possible with the investments in cream experts in the field of telecommunications.

Customized Services
DIVATEL being the services provider of Unified Communications turnkey services, our services are quite flexible and scalable. We don’t give products and services as a one-fix service and rather requirements of diverse clients or businesses.

At present world, efficiency includes the Multitasking. It is a requirement of the hour. DIVATEL proficiency in VoIP Configuration supports businesses of any requirement and any scale to decrease their Load and Man Power Costs.

We advise customer’s services that are precise and appropriate to their way of performing business. If you wish an assistant to make an option that goes long term with your communication requirements and is trustworthy, lucrative, flexible and scalable Unified Communication technique, then valve our consultation services.

Contact us now to find more information at office 021-30022778 or Mobile/Whatsapp 0852 8940 4589.

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DIVATEL Value Prepositions

DIVATEL Value Prepositions

Value proposition offered at DIVATEL is offer to products and services to the client through the team including top manufactures and technology providers. The widespread domain familiarity in telecommunications makes our teamwork perfectly with the firms and organizations. Rest of them makes sure for the finest quality services to our clients. DIVATEL primarily focuses on small innovator firms to support them in unifying their business messages is of high quality, at affordable costs, with faster rotate time, and condition of flexible services. The satisfaction is at the core of our aim i.e. to be part of our client’s complete development and achievement.

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