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Yeastar Mod Expand EX08


Yeastar Expand Mod

Stok tersedia

Rp 1.460.000

EX08 has 4 onboard module slots and 8 interfaces on the panel.
Supported Model: S100 and S300

Used to expand RJ11 interfaces. It could be installed max. 4  module like S2, O2, SO, BRI, GSM, CDMA and UMTS. 


With Yeastar S-Series, all the telephony interfaces are modular and customizable, whether it’s FXS, FXO, ISDN BRI, GSM/3G, or E1/T1/PRI. S20 has 2 onboard module slots, S50 and S412 supports 4. S100 and S300 require the combination of Expansion Board and Telephony Module to add telephony interfaces. S100 allows 2 Expansion Boards and S300 supports 3.

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Yeastar Mod Expand EX08

Yeastar Mod Expand EX08

EX08 has 4 onboard module slots and 8 interfaces on the panel.
Supported Model: S100 and S300

Used to expand RJ11 interfaces. It could be installed max. 4  module like S2, O2, SO, BRI, GSM, CDMA and UMTS. 


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