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Yealink W60B


Cordless Phone Base Station

Stok tersedia

Rp 640.000

The Yealink W60B is the DECT IP base station for small and medium-sized businesses that pairs with up to a total of 5 Yealink W56H DECT handsets, The W60B supports up to 5 VoIP accounts and 5 concurrent calls. 




Yealink W60B DECT IP Base Station

The Yealink W60B is the DECT IP base station for small and medium-sized businesses that pairs with up to a total of 8 Yealink W56H DECT handsets, The W60B supports up to 8 VoIP accounts and 8 concurrent calls. 

Yealink W60B Overview 

The W60B DECT IP base station possesses a wire-hidden design, presenting a concise and tidy desk to you even being mounted to the wall. The Yealink W60B supports the Opus Codec to consistently deliver excellent and professional audio quality in both high-bandwidth and poor network conditions. The W60B supports up to 8 DECT cordless handsets per base with a DECT radio coverage up to 50m indoors and 300m outdoors. 

Yealink W60B DECT IP Base Station Features:

Up to 8 concurrent calls

Up to 8 DECT cordless handsets

Up to 8 VoIP accounts

Support Opus audio codec

TLS and SRTP security encryption

Noise Reduction System

Energy-saving ECO features

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Yealink W60B

Yealink W60B

The Yealink W60B is the DECT IP base station for small and medium-sized businesses that pairs with up to a total of 5 Yealink W56H DECT handsets, The W60B supports up to 5 VoIP accounts and 5 concurrent calls. 

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