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TrueConf Server


Video Conference

Stok tersedia

Rp 450.000

Monthly Rental Aplikasi Server Video Konferens : via Internet atau LAN Server Host Video Conference Di Indonesia, lebih stabil.


  • Unified Commmunications Berbasis Platform VP8 SVC
  • Bekerja pada jaringan LAN/VPN dan juga melalui jaringan Internet
  • Grup Video Conference dengan kualitas UltraHD 4K bisa menangani sampai 250 user
  • Diamankan dengan SSL dan enkripsi AES-256
  • Integrasi LDAP dan H.323/SIP 
  • Integrasi dengan IPPBX maupun Voip Provider
  • Integrasi dengan WebRTC

TrueConf Server is a powerful, high-quality and highly secured video conferencing software server. It is specially designed to work with up to 250 participants in a multipoint conference over LAN or VPN networks. TrueConf Server requires no hardware and includes client applications for all popular platforms, making it an easy-to-set up, unified communications solution.

TrueConf Server utilizes SVC technology based on the VP8 video codec, which guarantees the best possible video quality on every device and channel. TrueConf systems have built-in AEC (acoustic echo cancellation), AGC (automatic gain control) and noise cancellation algorithms, which provides great wide-band audio quality for all participants.



Compatible Endpoints

Client applications are generated right after the video conferencing server is installed and configured. The application includes all the settings necessary for connection with TrueConf Server software by default.

For computers

Any PC or Apple computer with the TrueConf client application installed can be connected to TrueConf Server.

For mobile devices

Use TrueConf mobile applications to keep in touch with your colleagues and make video calls while on the go.

TrueConf Server Network Scheme

TrueConf Server Video Conferencing Network

TrueConf Server Advantages

TrueConf products can provide companies or organizations of any size with a huge range of benefits, including:


  • An easy-to-use, fully functional Unified Communications platform.
  • Real SVC-based software solution: no need for transcoding or MCU.
  • A secure solution which helps to protect corporate network security, and which works through a single TCP port.
  • Highly secure, with SSL and AES-256 encryption.
  • No direct IPs required for endpoints: easily passes Firewall, NAT and Proxy.
  • No expensive equipment or installation costs required.
  • Compatible with third-party H.323/SIP equipment.
  • Ability to record video on the server side.
  • SVC provides constant quality on variable network connections.
  • WebRTC support allows remote participant to easily join conferences.
  • Web-based manager application for remote server management.
  • Built-in scheduler will not let you miss important meetings.
  • Fully integrates with existing VoIP and videoconferencing equipment.
  • Easily scales vertically and horizontally due to TrueConf Server's large capacity and federation support.
  • Client apps available for all platforms with multi-point videoconferencing.
  • Suits conferencing rooms perfectly, and can be further enhanced TrueConf Terminal.
  • UltraHD 4K support means you get great images on larger screens.
  • RTSP support provides for video conference streaming from external devices such as IP surveillance cameras and streaming of TrueConf Server video conferences for millions of users via third party streaming services.
  • TrueConf Server API gives flexibility to cooperate with third party applications and allows to integrate conferences and webinars with any website.
  • Webinar (Public conference) support allows to invite users without them getting accounts on the company network.
  • Flexible and affordable “per user” licensing.
  • Try before you buy: Free version for 1 year.
  • Localized to English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Czech, Vietnamese, Russian and Ukrainian languages.
Video Call FullHD

Video Call FullHD

Group video conference

Group video conference

Virtual meeting

Virtual meeting


TrueConf Client is a client application for TrueConf Server that is configured with all the necessary settings for connection to the server after the server is up and running.


TrueConf was the first to introduce a range of unique projects to video conferencing market, including developments in the field of 3D video conferencing, scalable video coding algorithms, WebRTC technologies, mobile video conferencing, and gesture-based controls for video conferencing systems. Our solutions support UltraHD 4K video.

TrueConf's portfolio includes over 1500 successful deployments for government, education or financial institutions, and SMBs in different fields.

The company provides technical sponsorship to a number of nonprofit organizations in organizing and conducting video conferences and online broadcasting.


TrueConf company also develops and implements custom solutions in the field of video and audio data transmission, including software development.

  • Development of video conferencing and unified communications products.
  • Support and development of TrueConf Online and Conferendo cloud services.
  • Creating special solutions for education and healthcare, including video conferencing integration into distant learning systems.
  • Creating platforms for communications service providers, including satellite networks, to provide services among their subscribers.
  • Video conferencing integration services designed for specializes solutions, e.g. for banking systems (video ATMs), call-centers, and support services.
  • Modification and whitelabeling on customer's request.

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TrueConf Server

TrueConf Server

Monthly Rental Aplikasi Server Video Konferens : via Internet atau LAN Server Host Video Conference Di Indonesia, lebih stabil.


  • Unified Commmunications Berbasis Platform VP8 SVC
  • Bekerja pada jaringan LAN/VPN dan juga melalui jaringan Internet
  • Grup Video Conference dengan kualitas UltraHD 4K bisa menangani sampai 250 user
  • Diamankan dengan SSL dan enkripsi AES-256
  • Integrasi LDAP dan H.323/SIP 
  • Integrasi dengan IPPBX maupun Voip Provider
  • Integrasi dengan WebRTC

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