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Articles with tag : pabx

Saat ini teknologi telekomunikasi telah berubah ke VoIP, Voice over IP. Pada jaman dulu, biaya telekomunikasi interlocal atau international sangat mahal, karena masih memakai teknologi “Voice over ...

As usual, we can connect the PABX with the VOIP device by the FXS or FXO, and how does the call work? here we will describe the different connections will have the different methods for dialing.

When you have two PABX in the different sites, you hope their extension can call each other, you can refe to the below method.

As business environments change, so does the way we communicate. Telephone service is becoming much more than a dial tone. Employees are demanding extensive features such as the ability to transition ...

Kita semua sudah pasti mendengar tentang istilah IP PBX... Banyak sekarang vendor-vendor yang berjualan IP PBX. Bahkan vendor internet pun sekarang sudah jual IP PBX. IP PBX, kepanjangan dari Internet ...


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