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Call recording – service of IP telephony

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If you are interested in saving of all calls coming to your office for further calls records handling, it means that such service as call recording is exactly for you. The phone service of call recording allows to save incoming, outgoing calls or both kinds of calls and after that listen to them on your email. Quick setting and easy usage make call recording to be useful part of organization of work with clients and rising the quality of customer service. So, why this service is helpful and how it works?

Monitor all kinds of calls with call recording

Recording of incoming and outgoing calls will be a great helper for different kinds of offices. Business centers, call centers, banks, mobile operators services and others companies working with clients can be interested in this phone service. Working with customers supposes from your managers possession of such characteristics as politeness, good manners, the possibility to avoid conflicts, the nature to persuade clients of ordering goods and using your company’s service. Thanks to call recording all phone conversations will be recorded and can be listened later. Call recoding service possesses such benefits:

  • Monitoring of managers communication with callers;
  • Rising the quality of customer service;
  • Help in learning of operators in effective ways of phone communication;
  • Control of operators’ actions in different situations.

To monitor all calls and find out how your operators communicate with clients, call recording will be a great helper for you. Thus, you can rise the quality of customer service that brings your company to customer and profit increasing.

Service of call forwarding - how it works?

The recording of call starts in the moment of phone answering. After finishing phone conversation, the record is automatically forwarded to your email. The audio is in very convenient format – MP3. As it is saved on email, audio can be easily listened, resent to somebody else etc.

call recording

The recording can be turned on only for some types of calls, only incoming or only outgoing, that allows you control definite branch of telephone communication. After receiving audio file to your email you can start monitoring all your calls and rise professional quality of your operators. Call recording also will help your company to solve all moot problems, as each of call recording can become a proof to your clients.

How to get call recording service?

Call recording can be set up immediately after connecting the number. But firstly it is necessary to get the number in any country you'd like.  All you need to get the phone service is to:

  1. Register and get access to personal account;
  2. Top up balance to order the number (including the price of phone service);
  3. Order the number via profile;
  4. Write the request to technical support for connection phone service.

Taking care about its clients, connects call recording very easy to allow you possibility to use all its advantage at once. If suddenly you have some additional questions or requests, you can always apply to our 24-hours technical support.


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