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Call forwarding for virtual phone number

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Call forwarding for virtual phone number
call forwardingAre you tired of continuous worrying about losing contacts with your relatives, customers and partners when you move away from country? Does your company have a tendency to change company's address and the changing of telephone numbers bother you all the time? Are you thinking of opening new business offices in another country but do not want to lose your old clients and attain to new customers? The solution has already appeared in company Virtual telephony with setting up of call forwarding makes phone communication to be unrestricted.

Set the forwarding and forget about missing calls

Call forwarding possibilities enables everybody to forget about changing numbers because of changing the physical location. One number but different call forwarding according to conditions that you can change whenever you want and anyhow it is comfortable for you to accept calls and you will not miss any calls. The efficiency of answered calls will rise in several times, and it faces on your company's profit for sure.

call forwarding

In additional to all these, your charges will reduce in twice. Using call forwarding service, you can economize on telephony billings or even save yourself from rates on incoming calls, as call destination to Sip application, Skype, IP telephone, Asterisk is free of charge. So, what are possible these and other ways how to forward calls? Let's find out more.

Call forwarding – possible directions and their advantages

While ordering the number you should choose one of possible ways how you want to accept call. All forwarding has their own advantages. So, let's consider more detailed what types of call forwarding are possible and their benefits :

Local (landline) phone. Choosing this forwarding you will be able to get calls on landline phone for example in your company. All you need is only choose type of forwarding to phone and point out the number in international format. Rates for incoming calls are less in twice, you may see them here.
Mobile (cell) phone. If you are interested in receiving calls having mobile phone near a hand, it is also possible to do. Pointing out your number in international format, calls reaches you whenever you are. See rates for incoming calls here.
Skype. Choose this type of forwarding and receive calls free of charge. Pointing out your Skype login and having access to Internet, you can always answer the call and communicate without limits.
SIP device. Simple in settings and easy in usage, SIP application economize your money (forwarding is free) and gives you possibility to make calls. Getting SIP account from our company, you set up your SIP app and are able to use two-sides communicate.
IP telephone. SIP account from also enables you to set up your IP telephones if there are such in your company.
Asterisk. Your own company's system can be used to receive free incoming calls using our virtual telephony and its call forwarding.
Call forwarding is very flexible. It means that your first setting of call forwarding is not a final. If, for example, you would like to accept calls in working time period on Skype, but on weekends or holidays you want your calls come to your mobile phone, it is possible to change the type and destination details in your profile.

How to get the number with call forwarding?

The person can get the number with any kind of call forwarding that he/she wants. Setting up of call forwarding is possible at once in the process of ordering the number and can be changed after the numbers connection anytime the user wants. You can find the prices on numbers here. So, what should you do get number with call forwarding?

Make registration and get access to your own personal account,
Recharge the balance on our site,
Order the number pointing the call forwarding.
After these simple steps, number will be connected during 24 hours. You will be able to change call forwarding anyhow you'd like. Connect the number, set the forwarding and start communicate without any problems with


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    2024-07-05 19:34:14

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