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Synway SBC30 25 Sessions - IP PBX


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Rp 11.123.310

With versatile and robust architecture, The Synway SBC30 Session Border Controller (SBC) offers a complete connectivity solution for SMB enterprises and service provider and enables scalable, reliable and secured connectivity between diverse VoIP networks. Scaling up to 30 concurrent sessions, the SBC30 connects IP-PBXs to any SIP trunking and cloud-based services, and offers superior performance in connecting any SIP to SIP environment. The SBC30 could be customized to multiple voice channels in a 1U platform to enable versatile connectivity between VoIP networks, such as connecting IP- PBX systems to any IP-based applications.

  • 25 Sessions

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Synway SBC30 25 Sessions - IP PBX

Synway SBC30 25 Sessions - IP PBX

With versatile and robust architecture, The Synway SBC30 Session Border Controller (SBC) offers a complete connectivity solution for SMB enterprises and service provider and enables scalable, reliable and secured connectivity between diverse VoIP networks. Scaling up to 30 concurrent sessions, the SBC30 connects IP-PBXs to any SIP trunking and cloud-based services, and offers superior performance in connecting any SIP to SIP environment. The SBC30 could be customized to multiple voice channels in a 1U platform to enable versatile connectivity between VoIP networks, such as connecting IP- PBX systems to any IP-based applications.

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