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Digium 1AEX844EF



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8 port modular analog PCI-Express x1 card with 4 Station and 4 Trunk interfaces and HW Echo Can

The AEX800 is a half-length PCI-Express 1.0-compliant, 8 port analog interface card. It supports combinations of station and/or trunk/line modules for a total of eight (8) interfaces. Like our PCI-based TDM800P, the AEX800 provides an industry first with 8 standard two-wire, RJ-11 interfaces on a single card bracket. The optional VPMADT032 hardware echo cancellation module provides 1024 taps (128 milliseconds) of echo cancellation for superior echo cancellation on both types of analog interfaces. Using this card in concert with Digium's Asterisk® software, standard PC hardware, and the Linux® OS, you can create SMB or SOHO telephony environments capable of satisfying the needs of small or medium business applications at an industry-leading price.

The AEX844E Includes
Zero (0) Single Station (FXS) Module (Green)
One (1) Quad Station (FXS) Module (Green)
Zero (0) Single Trunk (FX0) Module (Green)
One (1) Quad Trunk (FX0) Module (Green)
One (1) 128ms Hardware Echo Cancellation Module

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Digium 1AEX844EF

Digium 1AEX844EF

8 port modular analog PCI-Express x1 card with 4 Station and 4 Trunk interfaces and HW Echo Can

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