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Menara Kuningan 6th Floor,
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Fires close 44% of the businesses affected. Being without a disaster recovery and business continuity plan has catastrophic consequences, so why do so few organizations have one? Two reasons: cost and complexity.


Traditional call center disaster recovery plans are:

  • Too costly: Legacy call center solutions require a second “hot” call center facility that is completely redundant. They are wasteful AND unnecessary. That’s two steep upfront capital expenditures.
  • Complicated and expensive to maintain and support, especially as there are two systems involved.
  • Not always secure or available. 3rd party call center services offering a backup call center facility are also liable to failure, making them unavailable during a crisis.
  • A burden for IT teams already swamped with day-to-day projects.


With Our Hosted Call Center:

  • Eliminate the upfront capital expenditures for two call center hardware systems.
  • Reduce the cost of maintaining and supporting two systems.
  • Remove complexity by enabling us to manage the process for you.
  • Provide off-site call routing – the key to protecting your voice lines.
  • Your agents can be signed in anywhere, on any phone, answering your customer calls. No matter what!

Are you ready? Your customers want and deserve to know: Do you have a business continuity plan?

If disaster strikes your call center facility, will your customer calls reach your agents? What happens if they can’t? Lost sales, lost opportunities, and lost reputation!

To successfully manage a disaster recovery you need a partner. We work with you to create a “Plan B” for your call center. We provide the support to design, implement, and test your solution.


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