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Did the board raise an eyebrow when you didn’t offshore or outsource your customer care operations? Sure you could have reduced short term costs, but in today’s economic conditions, excellent customer service is a key ingredient in customer retention.


Customer service support groups today often experience…

  • No visibility into your service and support processes - no new information to guide future products, processes, or team improvements.
  • Poor caller experiences with no call center queuing; calls ending in voicemail after inefficient “round robin” routing.
  • Ineffective training and coaching. It’s difficult to improve agent performance without the benefit of recordings to illustrate examples.
  • Degraded service and support after hours due to a lack of flexible, advanced call routing and call treatment capabilities.
  • Recruitment limited to local area; your best employees are lost if they move.
  • Uncertain levels of service and support because of the inability to evaluate basic information like average and longest wait times, service levels, or customer satisfaction ratings.


It doesn’t have to be this way. With DivaTEL as your technology partner, your customer service support operation could…

  • Amaze customers by providing them with excellent service every time they contact you and you’ll be rewarded with an increased lifetime value.
  • Replace upfront capital expenditure and unpredictable ongoing maintenance costs with a single line item on your monthly expenses. A fixed price dictated solely by your needs.
  • Connect your high value customers with your high value agents. Your client has needs that your agents have been especially trained to solve. These successful interactions increase the lifetime value of your customer.
  • Use an intuitive, easy-to-learn interface. This allows agents to concentrate on providing excellent service instead of worrying about how to do it.
  • Have extensive intelligence gathering and reporting functions, enabling you to monitor service levels in real time and to compensate your team accordingly.
  • Have flexible and adaptable feature sets which can be rapidly changed to suit operational requirements.
  • Enhance the quality of your worker’s life by enabling them to work-at-home, reducing travel time, costs, and minimizing repetitive strain injuries (RSI).
  • Gain a DivaTEL Team© of highly trained professionals who are measured, compensated, and rewarded based on your state of happiness.


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